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Bring naxxramas back!

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Medlem sedan: 12 april 2018

Inl�ggPostat: 2018-04-25 15:14    Rubrik: Bring naxxramas back! Svara med citat


Now to the part i dont understand which is why you terminate the legacy of hearthstone by not making naxxramas available? What this basically means is that in 2 years, all of the current adventures wont be available for new players in 2 years time? This makes no sense whatsoever!Plz reconsider getting it back permanently and get rid of this cycle adventures thing, i totally agree with cycling the cards but an adventure is standalone, its not that hard to put a "wild adventure" section for all the adventures of which cards are cycled out and no longer part of standard?

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

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