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Viral marketing suggestion

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Medlem sedan: 19 december 2017

Inl�ggPostat: 2018-04-03 14:31    Rubrik: Viral marketing suggestion Svara med citat


There's a consumer products company out there with a unique and somewhat expensive product. They ship a set of serialized business cards with each unit. The idea is that if someone sees the unit and is interested, the owner hands out a card. The card gives the interested person a $50 discount AND the serial number enables the company to mail a $50 check to the owner who passed out the card. Turns every owner into a salesman, and helps encourage interested people to visit the company website or distributor.

I mention this because the Mirage drive is very novel here. Without fail, I end up with one or more people who want to know more about it when I take mine out of the water. I'm quite sure I could have sold a half-dozen by now, and I've only had mine a month. I think a program along the lines of the one above could be quite effective, even if the 'commission' was credit for accessories or some non-cash incentive.

Please help

I didn't find the right solution from the internet.

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